Corporate Review

Category : Interviews

20 Best Performing Business Leaders 2020 Interviews

Vamsi Krishna Maramganti on How QRC Assurance and Solutions Pvt. Ltd. stole a march over other global tech giants

Corporate Review
QRC Assurance and Solutions Pvt. Ltd stole a march over other global tech giants, How? One fine day in Novem­ber 1988, a graduate student at...
20 Best Performing Business Leaders 2020 Interviews

Dr Rakesh Kumar: creating a hallmark of product development, engineering and consulting services with Pingaksho Technologies

Corporate Review
The global and local impact of the Indian IT indus­try is impossible to put in a nutshell. An extremely vibrant and diverse sector, Indian IT...
20 Dynamic Businesswomen 2020 Interviews

“Today, I cannot visualize myself as anything but an entrepreneur”: Jyoti Sudhir, The leading woman of InventIndia Innovations, who crashed barriers and created her business realm

Corporate Review
Navigating the world as a woman is a distinctly different experience from doing so as a man as they often experience an extra layer of...