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            that the children who were given                       could  further  lead  to  complica-                                unversed  about  how  we  would                        We hope  that through  this

            the  liposomes  did  not  develop                      tions  for  the  concerned  woman.                                 proceed  with  this  product  in  the                  commercial  trial,  we  are  going

            anemia, so it had a prophylactic use.                  Oil,  on  the  other  hand,  can  be                               context of the Indian government                       to come  up  with very concrete

            Afterwards,  we  extended  the                         applied  in  a  prescribed  format.                                or the Indian requirements. One of                     results  with  regards  to  the
            entire development, we advanced                        It  is  treated  as  a  drug;  it  is  not                         my aims all my life has been that                      transference  of  iron  from  the

            and  created  higher  dosage  lipo-                    an  OTC  product.  So  when  it  is                                I should  give something back to                       product into  the  human  body.

            somes  for  the  older  people  and                    applied  to  the  soft  part  of  the                              society.  If  we  sell  all  developed                 It is a very strange thing but the

            also  smaller  dosage  liposomes.                      body, the oil  transference takes                                  products  to  overseas  companies                      fact remains that the GOI gives the
            Today  we  are  proud  to  say  that                   place through which the liposomes                                  then nothing comes back to India                       first gift to every baby and mother

            we  have  a  product  that  actually                   get transferred into the body and                                  and for its people. That was one of                    who  are born in the Government

            can work and can give you a result                     thereby increases  the  iron levels,                               the reasons why I was holding and                      Hospital  which  includes  a  hamper

            between 60 to 70% of iron trans-                       the folic acid levels, D3 levels and                               trying  to  understand  in  what  way                  that contains iron tablets, folic

            ference into the body without the                      the B12 levels in the human body.                                  we could contribute to the govern-                     acid  tablets, deworming  tablets,
            use  of  an  injectable  or  a  tablet.                The  product development was                                       ment in its truly fascinating policies
                                                                   completed in the year 2019-20. At                                  for healthcare among women and                         and  some  milk  and  other  things.

            WHY OIL?                                               that time while we knew that the                                   children  and  the  people  at large.                  Through  our product, we are
                                                                   product was  very good, we were                                                                                           hoping  to replace these  tablets
            In India, there has been a long-drawn                                                                                     We  also  started  connecting  with                    with transdermal oil which is going

            system and ancient customs which                                                                                          some  people  who  are  associated                     to  ensure  better  efficacy,  better
            talk  about massage. Massages                                                                                             with the  Anemia Mukt Bharat                           bioavailability,  less  gastric  irri-

            are  a  very  well-known  traditional                                                                                     scheme.  They were highly  inter-                      tation and  assurance that this  is

            system  in  the  country  by  which                                                                                       ested and  impressed  by the
            infants,  as  well  as  mothers,  are                                                                                     process  and  our  product.  Some                      going to be a prophylactic treat-

            given oil massages. What tends to                                                                                         of the gynecologists felt that this                    ment  for  anemia  for  a  lifetime.

            happen  is if you have an anemic                                                                                          was going to be a turning point in                     EXPANSIONS  AND  INNOV-

            mother, you have an anemic baby.                                                                                          MKPPL’s journey.  Today we are                         ATIONS IN PIPELINE

            Unfortunately,  anemic  mothers                                                                                           proud  to say that we are a part
            cannot be given oral iron. Oral iron                                                                                      and parcel of a massive scale                          Pharma Industry worldwide is

            or tablets generally have problems                                                                                        commercial  trial  that  is  going  to                 the  smallest industry with a

            since it goes to the to the gastric                                                                                       get conducted  PAN  India,  using                      maximum  number  of  regulations

            route, it irritates the gastric lining                                                                                    our  product for  checking  and                        and guidelines. It’s a very strange
            and  causes  either  constipation                                                                                         providing  the  results  among  the                    thing  that we  can eat outdoor

            or  diarrhea  in  the  mothers  which                                                                                     women  who  are  anemic  across.                       food      and      nobody        questions.

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