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            KEY MILESTONES                                         MKPPL’S INNOVATIVE FORMU-                                          to  make  a  product  that  would                      The oral formulation has a bioavail-

            For everyone, milestone is an                          LATION– THE TRANS-                                                 reduce anemia in infants. So we                        ability  of less  than 16%.  Then

            achievement,  whereas  I  look  at a                   DERMAL SOLUTION FOR THE                                            initiated our project and we made                      comes  injectable  interventions
            milestone as  not just an achieve-                     TREATMENT OF CHILDREN                                              liposomal  encapsulations  of  Iron,                   which can be  given in case  of  an

            ment,  but  a  pathway  to  moving                     SUFFERING FROM MALNUTRI-                                           Folic Acid, D3 and B12. These lipo-                    emergency where  the  hemo-
            ahead in life. We have had several                     TION AND ANEMIA.                                                   somes were then blended in a cold-                     globin level  goes  down  beyond

            milestones – we faced our failures,                                                                                       pressed oil and an academic trial                      the  acceptable  levels.  However,
            we  faced  our  successes.  But  if  I                 We hold proficiency in nanoparti-                                  was conducted on 444 babies. This                      this  requires  the  presence  of

            have  to  just list out 3  key mile-                   cles. Today our liposomal  encap-                                  was the beginning of what we call                      medical  and  paramedical  staff.
            stones, that would be                                  sulations  are  very  well  accepted                               the Anemia Mukt Bharat’s story.                        So what we did was different; the
                                                                   in the  industry worldwide.  If  you                                                                                      transdermal  oil  developed  by us
            •  The European Union approval for                     talk  about a  novel  drug  delivery                               CONTRIBUTING TOWARDS

            a single molecule                                                                                                                                                                was applied to the soft part of the
                                                                   system, you think about a product                                  THE GOI’S MISSION                                      baby. We worked  on babies  who

            •  When we got the Mylan contract                      that can  deliver itself  in the                                   -‘ANEMIA MUKT BHARAT’                                  were 0 months to 6 months to 12
            -  a  supply  agreement  with  the                     targeted  area.  We  have  worked                                                                                         months  old.  At  the zero  month,

            company for 300 metric tons of a                       with the toughest of the molecules                                 This  transdermal  solution  devel-                    we could not do a test to see how
            product                                                                                                                   oped by us works absolutely in a
                                                                   - be it a soft mist of budesonide                                  different fashion. Today, due  to                      anemic the babies were since it’s

            •  When we forayed into nanopar-                       which doesn’t exist or ophthalmo-                                  Anemia, the mortality rate is more                     not  permitted.  Post-six  months,
            ticles and moved away from  the                        logical  preparations for glaucoma                                 than  50%  in pregnant women                           the studies were started and it was

            traditional system of manufacturing                    where  we  have  brought  down                                                                                            a  complete one-year-long  study
            and supplying across the world                         the  particle  size  to  nanometers.                               and  more than  58%  of  children                      that was performed in a small rural
                                                                                                                                      and  adults  in India  suffer  from
            Besides  these,  there  have  been                     A     special      mention        to     my                        anemia. Anemia is  a disease  that                     community closer to Pune in a place

            many milestones. There were also                       favorite product –  the Trans-                                     does  not  have  a  cure  so  what  is                 called  Vadhu under KM  Hospital.
            times when I felt personally to give                   dermal  Oil  -  a  work  towards                                                                                          And the study paved  the way to

            up  but  somehow  something  kept                      Anemia  Mukt  Bharat  -  a  vision                                 done today by all  governments                         tell  us  what could  be  the  results
            fueling my dream. We shoulder                          of the Prime Minister of India in                                  is  offering  an  oral  formulation.                   and  how  iron can  be transferred

            the  responsibilities  of 200  fami-                   their  6  by  6  by  6  system  (6                                                                                        from the product that is bypassing
            lies. Walking away is very easy for                    Beneficiaries,        6     Interventions,

            an individual; walking away is very                                                                                                                                              the gastric system into the human
            difficult for an entrepreneur. There                   6      institutional        mechanisms).                                                                                  body through  the  blood  vessels.

            are too many people, there’s too                       We  conceived  the  product  way                                                                                          We found that Iron moved in and
            much baggage which we carry and                        back in 2019  with help  from the                                                                                         children who were kept on placebo

            I think each time we survived any                      WHO  as  well  as  from  the  Cana-                                                                                       versus the children who were given
            battle, for me it was a milestone.                     dian Government. We were asked                                                                                            the actual liposomes, it was found

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