Page 15 - 10 Most Trusted Diagnostic Companies in India 2022
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            The  Brainchild  of  Dr.  Vadlamani                    Let’s hear directly from the visionary

            and  Dr.  Vijay  K  Shastri,  MKPPL                    leader who is acknowledged  for

            was ingrained on three ideologies,                     her  innovation,  strong  will  and

                                                                   improvisation - Dr. Vadlamani. She

               We  would  develop  our  own                        outlines  MKPPL’s  journey  hosting

            technologies.           We         wouldn’t            to  innovations,  product  pipeline

            infringe any patents, rather  we                       & plans and concludes  with an
            would  create  our  own  patents
                                                                   inspiring advice for youngsters.

                 To be an Aqueous based comp-

            any. We  would  ensure that all  our                   THE BEGINNINGS

            processes were  aqueous-based.                         We have successfully anchored our
 This narrative is an epitome of such successful   When  one uses solvents in any   presence in the industry by walking

 business stories that matter.  process,  especially in a formula-

 My encounter with Dr. Satya Ramani   the Pharma landscape of India, Dr.   tion,  then the removal  of solvents   on our three ideologies. Today, our
 Vadlamani, the  Chairperson and   Vadlamani has touched and trans-  approvals from the European Union,

 Managing Director of Murli Krishna   formed lives with her sheer passion,   becomes very  difficult  which   Jordanian FDA, Ministry of Health
 Pharma Pvt. Ltd. was a digital expe-  grit and determination. Out-setting   further leads to the carcinogenic   United  Arab Emirates, WHO,  the

 rience (the pandemic’s new normal)   residue.  Our  approach  would
 and I immediately drew a percep-  her pharmaceutical voyage in 1992   be to invest  heavily in reducing   local FDA and various other custom-

 tion – a person who is armed   while working with various leading   toxic  waste  and  VOC  emissions  er-based approvals  board speaks

 with experience, vision and sheer   Pharma  companies,  Dr.  Vadlamani   about us and our quality-driven
 passion and I might want to add   started  independently  on her    We would be a regulatory comp-

 more  words,  undoubtedly.  More-  own with a small company named   liant company  approach. Talking  about innova-
 over,  it  was  her  interview  with  us   Murli Krishna Exports in 1998.   tion, we have gone a big way into

 that made me a complete admirer   From being  a Regulatory Compl-  developing new technologies which

 of Dr. Satya Ramani Vadlamani.   Soon  she  realized  the  need  to   iant prefinished formulation inter-  are still non-existent for others and
 reform  and revolutionize India’s   mediates  facility  in  2004  to
 With a doctorate in Strategic                                     which  are very beneficial  for the
 Management,  Dr.  Vadlamani  did  Pharma  industry with  innovative   becoming  a  finished  dosage  firm   human race. MKPPL has proved its

 her Bachelor’s in engineering. From   products and a new approach. And   based  on  the  FTF  formulation,
 there to  establishing  and  leading   that’s  when the  seedling  of  Murli   the  growth  trajectory  of  MKPPL   mettle  in technological  advance-

 Murli  Krishna Pharma to change  Krishna Pharma was planted in 2004.  has  been  quite an  inspiring  one.   ments and new developments.

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