Page 16 - 10 Most Trusted Diagnostic Companies in India 2022
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            We initially started from a normal                                                                                        are into the production of prefin-                     Most  of  the  Pharma  companies

            pallet product to now having PFIs                                                                                         ished  formulation intermediates                       as  the  manufacturing  units  and

            which are available in the range of                                                                                       but the world  still  comes  to us.                    their progression is limited to the

            100 nanometers. We have enhanced                                                                                          Reasons?           Our     dexterity        in         instructions  given  by  someone

            and  upgraded  our  encapsulation                                                                                         developing  innovative  technolo-                      else. Whereas at MKPPL, develop-

            techniques.  All  our  visions  and                                                                                       gies.  We  developed  products  at                     ment is a Mantra. All our products

            plans are being reflected well in our                                                                                     regulatory  compliance  and  we                        follow a very rigorous R&D system.

            products which are appreciated                                                                                            serve the world  under the Make                        The  core of  MKPPL  is  its  R&D

            worldwide  by  leading  companies.                                                                                        in  India vision  wherein  we  manu-                   Department. For us, it is manufac-
                                                                   Our  ability  to  encapsulate  even                                facture  and  develop  products                        turing with an R&D background and
                                                                   the most hydrophobic and hydro-                                    at our  facility  and supply  them

                     VISION                                        philic  drugs  through  liposomal,                                 to  the  rest  of  the  world.  This                   we don’t do what is called manufac-
                                                                                                                                                                                             turing  developments. We do  not
            “To become a successful                                polymeric and various other kinds                                  speaks  for  our  unique  character.                   always follow what everybody else
                                                                   of  encapsulation polymers which
            regulatory compliant prefinis-                                                                                            Most of the  manufacturing  units                      is manufacturing; we try to make a
                                                                   we used to produce notable prod-
            hed formulation intermediate                           ucts has  become our specialty.                                    in  the  country  follow  the  typical                 good product better and a better

            facility was the vision which                          So  the  vision has moved  from                                    prefinished  formulation  interme-                     product the best and that is what
                                                                                                                                      diates such as proton pump inhib-
            we had 17 years ago. Even                              just  being  a  company  that‘s  into                              itors  of  immune  suppressants  or                    differentiates  us  from  the  list  of
                                                                   prefinished        formulation        inter-                                                                              manufacturers in the country.
            today the vision continues                             mediates  to a  company that                                       other  anti-infectives  or  anti-in-

            but it has branched into not                           delivers final  products with a                                    flammatories. Whereas at MKP, we

            just  being  a  PFI product                            promise of a painless relief expe-                                 have tried to foray ourselves into

                                                                   rience at a cost-effective model.                                  those paths which are relatively
            company, but to be a finished                                                                                             unknown; we walk where the rest

            dosage firm based on an FTF                            WHAT ARE THE CHARACTER-                                            don’t. We do those developments

                                                                   ISTICS THAT DIFFERENTIATE                                          that  very  few  people  dare  to  do
            formulation as well.” And
                                                                   MURLI KRISHNA PHARMA?                                              so.  Our  R&D  is  also  approved  by
            that’s just the iceberg! We are                        I  am  often encountered  with  this                               the Department of Scientific and

            growing strong in Nanoparticles                        question  and  queries  like  what                                 Industrial  Research  (DSIR).  We

            manufacturing as well. This                            is  it that differentiates MKPPL                                   do  a lot of  advancements  not
                                                                   from the rest of the companies?                                    only  for  ourselves  but  including
            is the vision we are eyeing for                        I’d  like  to  answer  differently;                                countries like the USA and Europe

            MKPPL in the near future.                              numerous  Indigenous  companies                                    as well.

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