Page 19 - 10 Booming Real Estate & Logistics Companies in APAC 2022
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 Ekta Contech Pvt. Ltd.  The  same  principles  were  carried      prior  knowledge,  they are trained

                                                                   well  to bridge  the gap.  The transi-
            on by his  son,  Prince Shrivastava
            when he joined Ekta Contech as MD.                     tion from the conventional methods
 REDEFINING INDIA’S REAL ESTATE WITH SUSTAINABLE AND SMART   Well  known  for  his  passion and   of  construction  to  the  sustainable
 DEVELOPMENT  devotion to the  residential  real                   approach  widens  the  gap  between

 Corporate Review | Pooja Kundoo
            estate industry, Prince Srivastava was                 people  who  understand  the  change
 With  a  remarkable  track  record  of   exposed  to  entrepreneurship  from   and  the  rest who  doesn’t. We are
 success  in the  country’s real  estate   an  early  age.  He  grew  up  in  Ranchi,
 industry,  Ekta  Contech  Pvt.  Ltd.   Jharkhand, watching his father’s work   helping  investors  to  understand  the

 has  effectively  created  a  mark  that   and  versing  about the  real  estate   future of this  market with the  help
 defines  what  the  company  stands   industry. Later on, post his law studies,   of expert counsellors at every step.
 for in terms of infrastructure, struc-
 tural  construction,  and  distinctive   he  shouldered  the  responsibility  of   MEGATRENDS CHANGING THE
 real  estate  services  it  provides.  Ekta Contech and strategically, over
            the years grew the firm from its orig-                 REAL-ESTATE LANDSCAPE
 After working for more than 30 years   inal goal of being a real-estate busi-

 in the field  of real  estate, Satish   ness to much more. “Today, our vision   A few megatrends, in particular, have
 Srivastava planted a dream  in 2010                               my attention and excite me to be a
 to develop  a sustainable  real-estate   is to provide a roof to everyone, even   part of  them.  The  first is  the  tran-
 culture and  educate people  about   to  the  people  who  cannot afford  it   sition  to  sustainable  development.
 real-estate investments. He nurtured   right now but deserve it for their lives’   Construction consumes nearly 50% of
 it with his hard work and grit deter-  work. We understand the basic need   global energy, 50% of water, and 60%

 mination.  Today,  Ekta  Contech  has   for  a home that many are lacking
 risen to prominence as a real estate   Prince Srivastava | Managing Director  which  brings  us  to  the  solution of   of building materials while causing an
 legacy, backed by its solid foundation.  In  1975,  Satish  Srivastava  entered   Green Buildings” asserts Prince during   80% land loss to agriculture which is
 the  construction  industry,  learned   the interview as we gain insights over   why it is time to switch sides. I believe
 STAYING AHEAD OF THE CURVE  the art of construction, and  set a   Ekta  Contech  through  his  lenses…  that  constructing  Green  Buildings

 •  Customer  base:  1000+  clients  goal for himself. His efforts began to   will  reduce  carbon  emissions  and
 •  Revenue: It is going to exceed 200   bear  fruit  in 1984  when  he founded   Let’s hear the words from the leader   use  fewer  natural  resources,  paving
 crores by 2024  his  own company with a  small  team   himself…
 •  Growth Rate: 96-118%  per year  of  like-minded  individuals.  Eventu-  the way for a more secure future,
 •  Accolades:  India  News  Best  ally, his progress became clear with   ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES
 Emerging  Real  Estate  Developer  of   the flourishing ‘Apartment Culture’   One of the biggest gaps in the market

 the Year 2021- East India      directed  by him  in the  small  town   is  the  lack  of  skilled  individuals  to
 •  Recognized as the Best Company   of  Ranchi.  Until  now,  the  company
 of  the  Year 2021  by  Creative  Bit,   has  undertaken  over  forty  projects   work in the sustainable development
 for promoting sustainable  ways  of   to ensure that people get the most   sector. The stereotypes have pushed
 Construction in Jharkhand  out  of  their  investment.  A man  of   people away from choosing real estate
 •  Published in the prestigious columns   ethical  persona,  he  never  compro-  as a career option.
 of  leading  business magazines and   mised  on product quality, and  his   Ekta Contech ensures  that even if

 newspapers   work was never motivated by profit.   someone joins the company without

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