Page 20 - 10 Booming Real Estate & Logistics Companies in APAC 2022
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We can see that consumers are to reach 65,000 crores by 2024 and
reconnecting with nature again, 2025, with this sector accounting
which will increase the global for 13% of the country’s GDP. Our
demand for sustainable construction. long-term goal is to be a part of this
Second, technological progress expansion. We are working towards
will make the real estate industry the same goal and attempting to
far more efficient and self-suffi-
cient. Soon, our company intends incorporate the “Roof for Everyone”
to set up AR sightseeing for our Campaign into a sustainability
customers. I value innovation, and campaign. Along with that, we intend
forging ahead is a pleasure for me. to educate the public on investment
Finally, people are increasingly and real-estate growth so that they
working from home, which is a new can make the best decisions for
and growing trend among the youth themselves. People in rural areas lack
population. Our clients range in the opportunity to learn the funda-
age, and their conversations about mentals of asset management, which
these new changes help us under- hinders real estate’s growth. We want
stand the variety that we can
bring when designing a new home. to accelerate this process so that
more people can get the necessary
ROAD AHEAD job opportunities. The vision is to
According to CIRIL reports, the Indian grow together and save the planet
real estate (RE) market is expected from resource overexploitation.
Prince Srivastava with his father Satish Srivastava
WORDS OF WISDOM Highs and lows will greet you every-
My entrepreneurial journey has where, but remember why you
taught me that everything happens started and you will not be able to
at the right time, but if you wait quit. Invest your time and money in
too long, that time will never come. learning new skills that will benefit
Taking calculated risks by staying your company. Be gentle with others
informed about the changing land- and, most importantly, with yourself.
scape in your specific industry Don’t devote your entire life to busi-
and thus molding your company in ness; it’s just a part of it. Connect with
the right direction will take you to the brightest minds and finally, in any
places you cannot even imagine. situation, maintain your cool.
|20 | India | Vol. 3 | Issue 5| July 2022 |21