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            study,  most  of  the  children  were                  truths overwhelm us. There is talk

            found to be suffering from malnu-                      of stringent eradication measures

            trition. They were taken to Poshan                     and  ways  to  implement them

            Kendra and kept there for 15 days                      effectively.      Often,      intertwined

            till their condition improved. Fami-                   within those well-calculated statis-
            lies have been provided with seeds                     tics, detailed analysis and numerals,

            and  asked  to  grow  them  on  tiny                   there are simple tales that reveal

            patches  of  land  (poshan  bagicha)                   the reason as to why child labour

            outside their mud huts, so that chil-                  still exists in communities all over

            dren can get a few greens on their                     the  world,  including India.   Child
            plate.  Families  are  being  encour-                  labour cannot be tackled in isola-

            aged to include their children in the                  tion. The cause is deeply ingrained

            immunization programme. Adoles-                        in the  socio-economic  fabric  of

            cent girls  with  low  haemoglobin                     the communities and the lives they

            count get IFA tablets and are also                     lead.  It  is  time  to  lend  an  ear  to
            counseled  on  ways  to  practice                      the stories of Savita and Ramu, and

            hygiene  sanitation  during  periods                   hundreds like them in the hinterland.

            Every  year,  in  and  around  World                   There is  light at the end  of the
            Day  against  Child  Labour,  grim.                    tunnel,  and  hopefully,  we  are

            statistics,  stark  reality  and  bitter               just about to turn the corner.

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