Page 14 - 10 Booming Real Estate & Logistics Companies in APAC 2022
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            remember the last time they ate                                                                                           tparents  have  agreed  to  enroll                     have turned out to be immensely

            a nutritious meal, but when a new                                                                                         them in formal  schooling in the                       beneficial, volunteers and teachers

            morning comes, they are back at                                                                                           coming months. “I am so happy for                      check the school  attendance

            the mines with their families, doing                                                                                      them. I want them to study andcon-                     register regularly and identify chil-
                                                                                                                                                                                             dren  who  are enrolled  but hardly
            what they know best. They wriggle                                                                                         tinue doing so. It is  important to                    ever  attend school. They talk  to
            themselves  into  freshly-dug  ‘rat                                                                                       complete basic education. It will                      the  parents  and  request them  to

            holes’ for pellets and their parents                                                                                      help  them  to  get other  jobs  and                   spare the children from dhibra
                                                                                                                                      earn  money when they grow up.
            wait  outside  with  bated  breath.                                                                                       Their families will be benefitted in                   collection, at  least  for the school

            How  much  scrap  would  they  be                                                                                         the end. We talk to parents regu-                      hours. Members of  adolescents

            able  to  collect  before  dusk  sets                                                                                     larly and encourage them to think                      groups  and  children’s  collectives

            in? Or, would they be able to come                     RAY OF HOPE                                                        this way,” says a happy Savita. When                   in  the  area  visit  door-to-door  to
                                                                                                                                                                                             convince  parents  of  the  need  to
            out alive? The  mud  mounds  can                       Eight-year-old  Ramu Tudu  (name                                   CRY  and  its  partner organization                    educate their children. Most of the

            cave in trapping anyone inside. It                     changed)  is  very  fond  of  her                                  set out to work in the region about                    members were actively involved in

            has happened in the past! At the                       teacher, Savita didi. He attends her                               18 months ago, the objective was                       mica scrap collection not long ago.
            end of the day, it is a question of                    remedial classes every day and is                                  to ensure that the people here get                     Their  journey of  change  is  now
                                                                   learning  fast. The  boy has  never
            money in the hand, and the fami-                       been  formally  enrolled  in school.                               an opportunity  to lead  a normal,                     slowly  starting  to  change  mind-

            lies have little choice but to ‘push’                  The  only  friends  he  made were                                  healthier and safer life with access                   sets  Apart from education, the
                                                                                                                                                                                             other focus area is health. Families
            their  children  into  dhibra  collec-                 at the  mica  mines  –  his  parents                               to basic schooling, health facilities,                 here  are  completely  in the  dark
                                                                                                                                      and alternative sources of income.
            tion.  Are  they  aware  of  the  term                 and older siblings let him sit with                                But first and foremost, people had                     about the health hazards they are

            ‘child labour’? May be! But can they                   other  young  kids  even  as  they                                 to be convinced that there is hope                     exposing themselves and their chil-

            really afford to pay heed? Caught                      busied  themselves in collecting                                   beyond despair and change can be                       dren to. As revealed in the baseline
            in a  vicious  circle  of  poverty,                    and  sorting  scrap.  It  was  Savita                              ushered in. Planned and sustained

            ignorance and  basic  livelihood,                      who spotted him and some other                                     programmes  over the past year

            this  is  an existential  crisis  that                 kids  there  and  requested  their                                 or so have started to impact lives.

            can be addressed only through a                        parents to allow them to join the                                  Enrolment in schools has increased,
                                                                   2-hour  classes  every  afternoon.
            targeted and sustained campaign,                       Not everyone agreed, but Ramu’s                                    with  many  parents  realizing  that

            focusing  on education and  health                     parents did. Six months on, Ramu                                   education  is  necessary,  even

            of children, awareness  of adults                      and some of his friends have made                                  though  they  insist  on  their  chil
            and  creating  alternative means                       impressive progress. Most impo-                                    dren working  the mines  for at

            of  livelihood. It’s a  long  journey,                 rantly, they want to study. Noticing                               least a few hours every day. Apart

            but  the  seeds  have  been  sown.                     their  eagerness  to  learn,  some                                 from  the  remedial  classes  that

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