The ever-changing business world has some new dishes to serve on our plates, mostly the satisfying ones, followed by half-cooked and uncooked ones.
Think no more of the month; even the past weeks have been witnessing groundbreaking, hotly served happenings and announcements which bear the potential to transform a good portion of multiple numbers of industries in no time.
This piece aims to bring your attention to the pieces or details you might have missed and also throw some light on the stories which might have been fabricated for cover-ups.
Ronaldo Vs Coca Cola – The real story behind
Undoubtedly, the Portuguese superstar footballer Cristiano Ronaldo replacing two Coca Cola bottles with a water bottle at a press meet was seemingly somewhat successful in gaining more popularity than the tournament itself for a while.
The Media within no time reported the doom in the share value of Coca Cola, causing a plunge of $4 billion! Social media started celebrating the magnanimous influence and popularity of the star that his trivial act was behind the fall in the value of shares of the US-based multinational giant.

The shares of Coca Cola is valued at $242 billion, consisting of 4.3 billion shares traded at $56.16 on June 11 when the market closed.
The next day, the market opened at a shockingly low number at 9:30, which further dropped to a stock price of $55.26, severely damaging the total market value by $4 billion within the next 10 minutes.
Furthermore, the dividend distribution day of Coca Cola surprisingly coincided with the controversial press meet of Ronaldo, adding more drama to the events.
“The share value of companies are expected to witness a fall for a shorter span of time during the dividend distribution days, and moreover, even the market was in a disordered state on a particular day. The share value of Ford Motors too experienced a plunge of $2 Billion from its total market value, turning this into a much generalizable event. To stop this, Coca Cola actually regained its market value by $1.3 billion by the end of the same day, which obviously failed to appear in the headlines.”
The events associated with the press meet and the fall in share value of Coca Cola is standing proof of how much the global population gets influenced by whatever news the media provides and how much the media can create a sensational drama by hiding material facts and broadcasting the partial truth.
The individual motives of media and the social media pages take on the hunger of the general public towards sensing a drama of this prominence is adequate to spin a web of lies or so-called misleading controversies.
Cristiano Ronaldo, who has always been in the limelight, became the poster boy of the Euro Cup after taking his lead to a total of 11 goals, that too after a mind-blowing victory over Hungary, where he scored two goals in the final minutes of the game.
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The spiral of Global media and financial markets
The unawareness or the limited knowledge shared by the general public can be termed as one of the reasons behind this colossal misunderstanding.
The media still remains to be their biggest and most trusted source of information, which they believe first and then research on it.
The social media pages, too, on the hunt for likes and followers, blindly post the content in an eye-catching way without spending a minute to research it.
Satisfying their own individual hunger has transformed the global media into a mere absorber rather than a predators of lies and misconceptions.
However, this is not a generalizable statement taking the latest tweet of Sucheta Dalal into consideration that crashed the stocks of Adani last week.
She took the social media by storm as without even a single mention of the company, even though they evidently targeted the SEBI.
Even with an arguable amount of skepticism, the events that made a considerable magnitude of impact in the different stock markets has brought out the two fragments of journalism and global media. When we bring a highly sensitive and monetarily paramount system into this equation, the media, even for a shorter span of time, evidently possess a huge influence over the former.