Page 18 - Most Trusted Logistics and Supply Chain Brands & Booming Fintech Companies
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                  Corporate Review | Pooja Kundoo

                         coastline of about 7,517 km and a stra-  its operations to international standards to improve the
                         tegic location by the world’s busiest   efficacy,  quality  for  its  customers  through  innovation
                         maritime route in the Indian Ocean posi-  and all possible tools of modern technology. Econship
                         tions India as the sixteenth-largest mari-  has grown steadily over the years as a premier NVOCC
                         time  country  in  the  world.  Ministry  of   and has been a role model for others in the industry.
                         Ports,  Shipping and  Waterways,  (earlier   Its  fleet  is  mostly  brand  new  containers,  with  an  age
           A as  Ministry  of  Shipping)  charac-               of 3 years, compared to other NVOCC’s 20 years old
            terizes  the  fact  that  around  95%  of  India’s  trading  by   containers and are maintained to a very high standard
            volume and 70% by value is done through its maritime   of upkeep. The company has forayed into the vertical of
            transport. The healthy outlook is Quite Intriguing. The   carrying liquids & chemicals in ISO Tanks.
            country’s shipping industry has been flourishing for the
            last  two  decades;  however,  the  competitive  status  of   CHALLENGING  THE CONVENTIONAL CONTAINER
            the industry seems to be in dire straits and it needs to   SHIPPING LINES STEREOTYPES AND INSPIRING THE
            be strengthened on the international shipping map.  NEXT GENERATION
                The shipping line industry in India seems to be left   Taking  every  market,  every  border  as  an  opportu-
            out in the cold! On one hand, the past cycles of peaks   nity,  Econship  through  the  years  has  put  together  all
            and troughs, patched recovery from the global finan-  required strategies that have helped him to take charge
            cial crises has hampered its growth, some of the indus-  and make an optimal and effective contribution towards
            try’s pain has been self-imposed. The exploitation of   developing the shipping industry.
            good days leading to an unsustainable rise in demand,      Started with 1500 containers, Econship now owns an
            increase in unneeded building capacity and the conser-  empire of 24000+ containers. Housing large fleets of
            vative nature of the industry have made the sector   20 & 40 Dry Vans (DVs), High Cubes (HCs), and Reefer
            nothing but complicated.                            Containers,  the  company  facilitates  the  carriage  of
                Change comes slowly to the shipping line industry.   most types of containerized cargo, from general cargo
            Anything ‘out of the box’ is either not adapted well or   to Flexibags in 20’. Besides, supplying a young range of
            gets accepted quite  lately.  Furthermore,  most  of  the   quality containers, Econship also deals in providing slot
            traditional companies seem uninterested in challenging   and space utilization agreements with all the common
            the status quo of the industry. Apart from the challenges   carriers and shipping lines.
            that are inevitable, systematic and beyond control,      The target growth rate of 20 per cent in terms of
            other issues can be addressed by container lines them-  its top line, bottom line and equipment(s) has been well
            selves.  Container shipping  lines  need  to  act first and   accomplished  by  Econship.  The  management  dedi-
            several lines have already made significant progress on   cates the company’s distinctiveness to its combination
            the journey to greater and smart productivity.      of  owned  infrastructure  and  extensive  network  reach,
                One  such  smart  container  shipping  line has   which allows for high frequency and customized transit
            emerged from the Indian shipping space. The secret; by   times. The efficient and robust IT system is built to aim
            just being quicker and timely updated. Since its begin-  unique needs and wants of customers. The technology
            ning in the year 2009, Econship has been benchmarking   supremacy  of  the  company  and  its  unique  bouquet

            18|  | India  | Vol. 2  |  Issue 9  | October 2021
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