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Papers Leak
individuals and corporations seeking to incorpo-
rate shell companies, trusts, foundations and other
entities in at least 38 low- or no-tax jurisdictions.
The entities enable owners to conceal their iden-
tities from the public and sometimes from regu-
lators. Often, the providers help them open bank
accounts in countries with light financial regulation.
The 2.94 terabytes of data, which was leaked to
REVELATIONS ICIJ and shared with media partners around the
The documents exposed ‘offshore secrets of world, came in various formats: from hand-written
wealthy elites from more than 200 countries pieces to images, emails, spreadsheets and others.
and territories. These people have used tax and The Pandora Papers gathered information on more
secrecy havens to buy property and hide assets; than 27,000 companies and 29,000 so-called ulti-
many avoid taxes and worse. They include more mate beneficial owners from 11 of the providers.
than 330 politicians and 130 Forbes billionaires, as
well as celebrities, fraudsters, drug dealers, royal The legal entities in the files of six providers – the
family members and leaders of religious groups companies, foundations and trusts – were all regis-
around the world. tered between 1971 and 2018. The records show
providers and clients shifting their business from
INVESTIGATION one jurisdiction to another after investigations and
The International Consortium of Investigative Jour- resulting rule changes.
nalists invested 14 months and involved more than (Source: ICIJ)
600 journalists from 150 media outlets in 117 coun-
tries structuring, researching and analyzing more WHAT DOES 2.94 TERABYTES DATA HOLD?
than 11.9 million records in the Pandora Papers leak. The leaked records consists of unprecedented
The task involved three main elements: journalists, amount of information about the so-called bene-
technology and time. ficial owners of entities registered across various
offshore tax havens and related jurisdictions such
WHAT IS THE PANDORA PAPERS? as British Virgin Islands, Seychelles, Hong Kong,
The world’s largest-ever journalistic collabora- Belize, Panama, South Dakota and other secrecy
tion, Pandora Papers investigation is set up on a jurisdictions.
leak of confidential records of 14 offshore service
providers that give professional services to wealthy