Page 29 - 10 Booming Real Estate & Logistics Companies in APAC 2022
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• To establish an investment platform • In April 2021, HDFC Capital Advi
for the Indian retail-led mixed-use sors (HDFC Capital) partnered with
assets, in June 2021, GIC announced Cerberus Capital Management
to acquire a minority stake in Phoenix (Cerberus) to create a platform that
Mills’ portfolio (worth US$ 733 million). will focus on high-yield opportunities
• In May 2021, Blackstone Real in the residential real estate sector in
Estate acquired Embassy Industrial India. The platform seeks to purchase
Parks for Rs. 5,250 crore (US$ 716.49 inventory and provide last-mile
million) to expand its presence in the funding for under construction resi-
country. dential projects across the country.
• To expand into the Indian real • In March 2021, Godrej Properties
estate market, SRAM & MRAM Group
collaborated with Area CAS Devel- announced it would launch 10 new
opers and Infrastructure Private real estate projects in Q4.
Limited (Area Group), and Gupta • In March 2021, Godrej Properties
Builders and Promoters Private increased its equity stake in Godrej
Limited (GBP Group) of India. It plans Realty from 51% to 100% by acquiring
to invest US$ 100 million in the real equity shares from HDFC Venture
estate sector.
Trustee Company.
• According to Anarock, housing
sales in seven cities increased by • In January 2021, SOBHA Limit-
29% and new launches by 51% in Q4 ed’s wholly owned subsidiary, Sabha
FY21 over Q4 FY20. Highrise Ventures Pvt. Ltd. acquired
100% share in Annalakshmi Land
• Private market investor, Black-
stone, which has significantly invested Developers Pvt. Ltd.
in the Indian real estate sector (worth
Rs. 3.8 lakh crore (US$ 50 billion) is GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES
seeking to invest an additional Rs. 1.7 Government of India along with
lakh crore (US$ 22 billion) by 2030. the governments of respective
States has taken several initiatives
• In 2021, working remotely is being
adopted at a fast pace and demand to encourage development in the
for affordable houses with ticket size sector. The Smart City Project, with
below Rs. 40-50 lakh is expected a plan to build 100 smart cities, is a
to rise in Tier 2 and 3 cities, leading prime opportunity for real estate
to an increase in prices in those companies. Below are some of the
geographies. other major Government initiatives:
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