Page 26 - 10 Booming Biotech Companies in India 2022
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            RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT                                 THE LEADER BEHIND THE                                              ,thereby resulting  in increased                       er-centricity at their core.
            R&D  Innovation  is  at  the  core  of                 BRAND                                                              investor  interest in  this  sector.
            Piscium®  at any given  working                        Malay Dikshit – MD & CEO                                           While  the incessantly  soaring                        WORDS OF WISDOM

            hour.  The  team  always  looks                        Malay Dikshit is a well-known name                                 commodity  prices threaten  to                         There  couldn’t  be  a  better
            forward  to  improving  its  solu-                     in the Marketing and Communica-                                    ruin the  party,  companies  that                      time for starting up in this

            tions  and  working  on  the  next                     tions  discipline.  Malay  is  a  PGDM                             will  survive  and  thrive  are  the                   country. If  you think you have
            new  product. The  brand  expects                      from IIM-Lucknow and  is  also  a                                  ones  with science and  custom                         the  perseverance, give it a go.

            to develop a portfolio of 15 prod-                     Master’s in Chemical  Engineering
            ucts in the next couple  of years.                     from  The  Institute of Chem-
                                                                   ical  Technology, Mumbai. Malay

            ACCOMPLISHMENTS                                        has  made  a  significant  contribu-
            Piscium® holds a patent on Nano                        tion of  his  marketing,  innovation
            Engineered Dental Burs. This bur is                    and  management expertise  to

            the first of its kind in the world for                 leading  brands  around  the  world
                                                                   throughout his  career  path. He
            in vivo use. Piscium®’s R&D efforts                    chaired  vital  positions  at Moet

            have helped the team to get the                        Hennessy  Diageo  in  Malaysia

            elite DSIR recognition. The brand’s                    and  Singapore after spending
            research findings on Nano Diamond                      his  formative  years  in  sales  and
            coatings have also been published                      marketing at Reckitt and Cadbury.

            in scientific papers. The company                      Malay  later  joined  Tata  Sky  as

            is ISO certified and its products are                  Chief  Communications  Officer  in
            CE Certified. In 2021, Piscium® also                   2015. After around three and a half
            got featured  among  the  Corpo-                       years, he left Tata Sky to pursue

            rate  Review’s  Top  20  Booming                       his dream and begin a new chapter
                                                                   in his life as  an entrepreneur.
            Biotech       Companies          in    India.

            ROAD MAP                                               PERSPECTIVE ON THE
                                                                   INDUSTRY’S FUTURE
            Piscium® has envisioned three
            growth drivers:                                        Over  the  next  five  years,  India’s

            1) Innovations for  any given year                     medical devices and consumables
            should be at least 30% of revenues                     will  exceed  the  US  $  15  billion,
                                                                   surpassing all  statistical  forecasts
            2)  Double  output  every  year                        and  will  reach  15%  share  of  this
            through        capacity         expansion,             industry.  This  change  is  driven

            efficiencies  &  better  skill  sets                   by India’s growing confidence

            3) Build  close  relationships  with                   in  designing  and  manufacturing
            the scientific ecosystem.                              new  products  which  create  value,

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