Page 24 - 10 Booming Biotech Companies in India 2022
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            Piscium  Health                                                                                                           of  dentists  and  help  in achieving                  PRODUCT PORTFOLIO
                                                                                                                                      superior patient experiences.
                                                                                                                                                                                             •  World’s first commercially
                                                                                                                                                                                                  launched Nano-diamond bur
            Sciences Pvt. Ltd.                                                                                                        Since its  inception, Piscium® has                     Nano-sized  diamonds,  embedded
                                                                                                                                      very deliberately  positioned  its
                                                                                                                                                                                             in helical blades  mean  longer
                                                                                                                                      presence  and  operations  as  a
                                                                                                                                      company which converts  scien-                         life, significantly  smoother  cavi-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ties  and  minimal  microleakage
            AN EPITOME OF TRUSTED AND INNOVATIVE DENTAL SOLUTIONS                                                                     tific  concepts into commercial                        of restorations.

                     Corporate Review | Pooja Kundoo                                                                                  propositions in dentistry. The
            As modern science is re-examining                                                                                         journey of Piscium® illustrates                        •  CHROMALGIN®
            the  role  of  dentists  and  dental                                                                                      its  efforts and  achievements as                      Dust-free  dental alginate. This

            professionals,  we  are  observing                                                                                        a  brand.  The  brainchild  of  Malay                  product was developed  from
            multiple  issues  that  the  dentistry                                                                                    Dikshit  and  Dr  Trupta  Dikshit,                     scratch using help  from  the

            industry is facing concerning prac-                                                                                       Piscium®  launched the world’s                         Institute of Chemical Technology
            tice and products. India homes the                                                                                        first-of-its-kind  Alpha  Nano-en-
            second largest number of dentists                                                                                         gineered  Diamond  Dental  Burs.

            in the world with 2.7 lakh registered
            with  the  Dental  Council  of  India.                                                                                    A      DIPP-recognized             start-up,
                                                                                                                                      Piscium®  was  incubated  at  SINE
            In the last decade, a wave of

            improvement has transformed the                                                                                           – IIT Bombay and it has obtained
            dental  space. Unfortunately, the                                                                                         funding  from  BIRAC (Department

            country’s  dental  research  hasn’t                                                                                       of Biotechnology, Government of
            scaled  much on the  international                                                                                        India) to develop dental solutions.
            level. Even today, a large propor-                                                                                        The  Piscium®  team possesses                          •  IPASAFE®

            tion of  dental  products  are still                      Malay Dixit | Managing Director & CEO                           extensive        experience        in    the           Alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
            imported  into  the  country.  We                      DELIVERING QUALITY PROD-                                           fields of innovation, medicine, and                    Innovation as  mentioned,  is  at

            are  yet to explore  some  barriers                    UCTS THAT COMPLEMENT THE                                           management. They collaborate                           the      forefront       of     Piscium®’s
            to rectify and  innovate them                          SKILLED CRAFTSMANSHIP OF                                           with scientists and medical practi-                    strategy and  its  product pipeline
            to create an ideal  atmosphere                         DENTISTS                                                           tioners to create and manufacture                      will  largely  harness  their  under-

            for  the  growth  of  dentistry,  for                  At Piscium®,  identifying and                                      solutions that are both valuable and                   standing of micromachining, nano-
            both patients  and providers.                          resolving  problems  as  a  dental                                 of high quality, by leveraging India’s
                                                                   and  medical  devices  manufac-                                                                                           technology          and      formulations.
            And  that’s the  territory where                       turer through  innovation is a way                                 vast R&D capabilities.  Piscium®                       Meanwhile,  Piscium®  is  devel-

            Piscium®  stands  dedicated  to                        of  life.  Here,  the  design  thinking                            wants to be recognized as an idea                      oping  nano-engineered  implants,
            finding  new  ways to  constantly                      approach  helps  create  inno-                                     magnet for scientists, a company                       burs for ortho and  neurosurgical

            improve the dental health experi-                      vative     outputs       that     comple-                          that can transform their scientific                    purposes,        nickel-titanium        root
            ence for dentists and their patients.                  ment  the  skilled  craftsmanship                                  ideas  into commercial  solutions.                     canal  files  and  other  products.

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