Page 21 - 10 Booming Biotech Companies in India 2022
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 India’s Biotech sector is  catego-  Global  Innovation  Index  amongst

 rised  into  Biopharmaceuticals,  Central  & Southern  Asia region.

 BioIndustrial, Bioagriculture, BioIT &

 BioServices. Within the biopharma-  KEY POINTS

 ceuticals segment, India has devel-  •  Forecast  to  reach  $150  billion

 oped  into a prominent vaccine   by 2025, with a CAGR of 16.4%

 manufacturer globally, occupying a   •  12.3%  year  on year  growth

 leading position in the supply DPT,   ((FY19 to FY20)

 BCG, and measles vaccines among   •  Over  5075+  biotech  startups,

 others. India also leads in biosimi-  expected to reach 10,000 by 2025

 lars, with one of the most biosim-  •  760+ core biotech companies,

 ilars approved  in the domestic   200+ Biotech products

 market.  It  is  estimated  that the   •  38.1% CAGR for Biotech startup

 biosimilars industry in India will   growth over last seven Years.

 grow at CAGR of 22% to become $   •  1Mn+ skilled biotech workforce

 12 Bn by 2025. Within bio-services,   •  100% FDI is allowed under the

 , India offers a strong capability in   automatic route for greenfield

 contract  manufacturing,  research   pharma.

 and  clinical  trials, and  is  home   •  100% FDI is allowed under the

 to the most US FDA approved   government route for brownfield

 plants globally outside of the US.  pharma in upto 74% FDI is under

 The  biotech industry in India   automatic route and beyond 74%

 comprises over 5,000 companies   is under the government approval

 (760  core companies  and  4,240   route.

 start-ups) 6 and is home to a strong   •  FDI up to 100% is allowed under

 skilled resource pool due to the high   the automatic route for the manu-

 number of science and technology   facturing of medical devices.

 graduates. India is  also ranked  #1  SOURCE: Invest India

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