Page 16 - 20 Futuristic Startups In India 2021
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Ensuring last-mile connectivity, LastMile’s compe- VITAARA: ONE-
tent infrastructure provides consistent excellence at
the national level, thus allowing its retail customers
to reduce their investments in the owned fleet and OF-ITS-KIND
focus on their core businesses. LML contracted
carriers, installers and assemblers generate the ENTERPRISE
industry’s highest customer satisfaction ratings in
the process. TRANSPORT
Long-term rail agreements in place DESK
Expansive India port and terminal coverage
Domestic 53’ containers
International 40’ and 45’ containers
Large-scale drayage capacity Deriving its name from the Hindi
Cross-docking and trans-loading
word for distribution – Vitarna,
INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT Vitaara has been rolled out as a
LastMile designs implement and operate transfor- one-of-its-kind Enterprise Transport
mative solutions that are customized to take care
of unique supply chain challenges. The company Desk.
believes in innovative thinking, risk-sharing and
mutual benefit and helps its clients to achieve oper-
ational continuity by enabling the rapid implementa- Vitaara means - “A path leading
tion of supply chain solutions built on its information away” which guides the path and
technology, facilities, logistics management, finan-
cial services and human resources expertise. delivers you a Brand Promise. One
of the most critical success factors
The cross-functional team at LastMile plans,
develops, tests, and executes solutions designed in business is the ability to build,
to exceed one’s requirement and ensures to imply
a transformational coating to his/her supply chain develop, and maintain a robust
operations. distribution network. Availability
We couldn’t miss the chances to discover LMT’s near the consumer is vital for
logistics secrets right from the origin and share wider penetration. Therefore, it is
them further. So, we went to interview Ranjit Kedia,
Founder & CEO at LMT. necessary to visualize and imple-
ment an unequivocal supply chain
Ranjit has witnessed a wave of changes in the logis-
tics industry. A calm leader, as tagged by peers and strategy, which addresses the
clients, Ranjit’s professional experience demon-
strates dedication, determination & discipline. concern of upstream and down-
Throughout his journey, he has been acknowledged stream partners and is capable
for building strong, dedicated teams for supply
chain, logistics, 3PL, and warehousing, operational of provide a win-win situation for
branches and has provided dynamic leadership all. On average, the transpor-
across multicultural environments.
tation costs (inbound, outbound
HI RANJIT, COULD YOU PLEASE GIVE and secondary/tertiary) account
YOUR JOURNEY BEFORE DIVING INTO for approximately 7% of the Net
TRANSTECH? Sales in FMCG and outsourced
It has been wonderful. I would say, it is not a journey to third-party Transporters or
but a process of finding a better version of me. I
entered the corporate world incredibly early, that Contract Logistics Providers who
was in 1992 when I used to sell insurance poli-
cies and had learned the fundamentals of selling provide LastMile Stock Points and
& marketing. Later on, I acquired knowledge in Deliveries to Dealer/Distributors or
Finance & Accounts along with Administration from
great leaders. During this phase of my career, I had Consumers.
been a part of two large projects as Procurement
16| | India | Vol. 2 | Issue 6 | June 2021