Page 34 - 10 Booming Biotech Companies in India 2022
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               TIDCO                                                  THE GOLDEN JUBILEE                                                  BIOTECH PARK TECHNOLOGY INCUBATION CENTRE, GUWAHATI, ASSAM

            4. THE GOLDEN JUBILEE                                  5. BIOTECH PARK TECH-                                              7. BIOTECHNOLOGY PARK,                                 The establishment of these IBTPs
            BIOTECH PARK FOR                                       NOLOGY INCUBATION                                                  BANGALORE, KARNATAKA                                   will  boost the  bio-enterprise

            WOMEN, CHENNAI, TAMIL                                  CENTRE, GUWAHATI, ASSAM                                            The  project  was  sanctioned  at                      development along with employ-
                                                                                                                                                                                             ment generation for  youth and
            NADU                                                   The  Biotech  Park  Technology                                     a total  Project Cost of Rs 32.26                      students in the UT of Jammu &
                                                                   Incubation Centre (GBPIC) has                                                                                             Kashmir.  The  project is  being
            The Park was established by Govt.                      been  sanctioned  by  the  DBT  in                                 Cr;  with  contribution  from  Karna-                  executed         through       CSIR-Indian

            of  Tamilnadu  at  Siruseri,  Kanchi-                  2009 for a period of three years.                                  taka      Biotechnology          &     Infor-          Institute  of  Integrative  Medicine

            puram  District  with  support  from                   An interim facility for the Incuba-                                mation        Technology           Services            (CSIR-IIIM),  Jammu for setting up
                                                                                                                                      (KBITS),  Department of IT, BT
            DBT  and  is  fully  functional  since                 tion Centre has  been  built  in an                                and  S&T, Government of Karna-                         to  IBTPs  and  on completion,  the
            2001 with a seed funding of Rs. 4 Cr                   existing  building of IIT  Guwahati.                               taka and Department of Biotech-                        facility will be handed over to J&K

            from the Department of Biotech-                        6. BIOTECHNOLOGY INCU-                                             nology, Government of India.                           Industrial  Biotech  Parks  Society.

            nology. Since its inception the Park                   BATION CENTRE, COCHIN,                                                                                                    9. CHHATTISGARH BIOTECH
            has turned over 500 skilled women                      KERALA (KRIBS BIONEST,                                             8. INDUSTRIAL BIOTECH-                                 PARK, NAYA RAIPUR,

            entrepreneurs,  technocrats  and                       KOCHI, KERALA)                                                     NOLOGY PARKS (IBTPS),                                  CHHATTISGARH

            workers;  presently  the  Park  has                    The  BTIC  was  made  operational                                  JAMMU & KASHMIR UT                                     The project is  being executed
            close  to  200  women  entrepre-                       in  the  year  2009  and  there  are                               The  two Industrial  Biotechnology                     through        Chhattisgarh         Biotech

            neurs & technocrats and  workers                       16  start-ups  currently  housed  in                               Parks (IBTPs) in the UT of Jammu &                     Promotion  Society  and  Indira

            with 40% of  them being  skilled.                      the  centre,  five  companies  have                                Kashmir” (one IBTP at Jammu and                        Gandhi        Krishi     Vishwavidyalaya,
                                                                   graduated  in the  Business  Enter-
            Presently it houses  13  companies                     prise  Zone  (BEZ).  A  common                                     another at Kupwara, Kashmir Valley)                    Raipur.  The  State  is  one  of  the
            inclusive of 5 start-ups and three                     facility lab is being used by entre-                               have been sanctioned by the DBT                        in the  country with 44%  of its
            incubatees.                                            preneurs as  well  as incubates.                                   at  a  total cost  of  8466.00  lakhs.                 geographical  area  under  forests.

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