Page 32 - 10 Booming Biotech Companies in India 2022
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            BIOTECHNOLOGY                                                                                                             BCIL  has  been  already prepared                      This  Incubation Centre has  been

                                                                                                                                      DPRs for the  more than  20
                                                                                                                                                                                             established by CSIRIICT and Govt.
                                                                                                                                                                                             of  AP with  support from  DBT
            PARKS IN INDIA                                                                                                            and  has  been  playing  a  key                        and  is owned  by the Society for
                                                                                                                                                                                             Biotechnology  Incubation  Centre
                                                                                                                                      According  to  the  Department  of                     (SBTIC). World class facilities have
                                                                                                                                      Biotechnology,  these  Biotech-                        been  created  for  use  by entre-
            A  Biotechnology  park  is  estab-                     transfer  of technology for  the                                   nology  Parks  offer  facilities  to                   preneurs on use and  pay basis.
            lished  to  address  and  assist  in                   commercialization           of    Biotech-                         Scientists,  and  Small  and  Medium                   The existing infrastructure has

            product advancement and  inno-                         nology  products,  project  consul-                                sized Enterprises (SMEs) for tech-                     successfully  attracted  more  than
            vation      through       the     develop-             tancy,  biosafety  awareness,  and                                 nology incubation, technology                          10  new  companies  in the  cluster;

            ment  of  biotechnology  indus-                        human       resource        development                            demonstration  and  pilot  plant                       most of them being startup/early
            trial  cluster  and  to  produce                                                                                          studies  for  accelerated  commer-                     stage  companies.  To  provide
            biotechnologists and  entrepre-                        for  the  Biotechnology  industry.                                 cial  development  of  Biotech-                        analytical services to the biotech

            neurs who  have strong  founda-                        Today,  BCIL  plays a  key role  as                                nology. The Department so far,                         and allied industries, The Advanced

            tion in research and  innovation.                                                                                         has  supported  9  Biotechnology                       Analytical        and       Characteriza-
                                                                   it  manages  various  schemes  and                                 Parks in various States. These are:
            In India, Biotechnology parks/                         Programmes  for  the Department                                                                                           tion  Resource  (AACR)  facility  is

            Incubators  have  been  estab-                         of Biotechnology such as the Small                                 1.  BIOTECH PARK,                                      established  as  a joint initiative of
            lished  by both  Central  and  State                   Business       Innovation        Research                          LUCKNOW, UTTAR PRADESH                                 •  BIRAC, SBTIC and CSIR-IICT.

            Governments            through        public                                                                                                                                     •  TIDCO  CENTRE FOR  LIFE
            private partnership for the promo-                     Initiative,      Biotech         Industrial                        Biotech Park at Lucknow in Uttar                       SCIENCES (TICEL)

            tion and  growth  of  biotech-                         Training  Programme, and  Biotech                                  Pradesh  is  the  first  technology
            nology  activities  in the  country.                   Industry Partnership  Programme.                                   incubator. This  has  been  set up                      3. TIDCO CENTRE FOR LIFE
                                                                   When  State  Biotech  policies                                     jointly as  a partnership  between                      SCIENCES (TICEL) BIOTECH
            GROWTH OF BIOTECH                                      came  into light  in  2001,  Karna-                                Central and State governments i.e.                      PARK, CHENNAI, TAMIL

            PARKS IN INDIA                                                                                                            the Department of Biotechnology,                        NADU
                                                                   taka became the first Indian state                                 Ministry of  Science  and  Tech-
            In the year 1986, the Government                       that launched  its  Biotechnology                                  nology  and  Government  of  Uttar                     The Park was established by Tamil

            of  India  established  the  Depart-                   policy to  promote  the  growth                                    Pradesh. The Park has  attracted                       Nadu        Industrial      Development
            ment of Biotechnology under the                        of the Biotech Industry. Later, it                                 29  companies  out of  which  19                       Corporation Ltd. (TIDCO), an under-

            Ministry of  Science  and  Tech-                                                                                          graduated out and  presently this                      taking  of  the  TN State Govern-
            nology. A few years later, in 1990,                    was followed by states like Maha-                                  Park  is  home  to 10  companies.                      ment with support from DBT. This
            a public limited company, Biotech                      rashtra,  Andhra  Pradesh,  Tamil                                                                                         Park  has  created  infrastructure

            Consortium India Limited  (BCIL)                       Nadu,  Himachal  Pradesh,  Haryana,                                2. BIOTECHNOLOGY INCU-                                 for Biotech R&D on 5 and has now

            was  formed  to  run  major  func-                     Punjab,  Kerala,  Madhya  Pradesh,                                 BATION CENTRE, HYDER-                                  achieved  100%  occupancy with
            tions  like  the  development  and                     Uttar  Pradesh,  Rajasthan,  etc.                                  ABAD, TELANGANA                                        National  and  International  clients.

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