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It’s more than coal.
It’s about our future generation.
I India’s enormous dependence on coal to Today, due to the economy’s slow growth
meet its energy needs is alarming. It’s
amid the pandemic, many states are moving
towards a total blackout in the coming days
high time to accelerate our trajectory
as over half of the country’s 135 coal-fired
towards a clean, green future.
power plants, which in total supply around
Statistics show that being one of the largest 70 per cent of the country’s electricity,
coal consumers in the world, India consumed have fuel stocks of less than three days.
942.63 million metric tons (1.03907 billion A Reuters analysis of daily load despatch
short tons) of coal in 2019–20, of which data from the central grid regulator showed
72.93% was produced domestically. Coal India’s power supply deficit in the first seven
consumption grew at a CAGR of 5.28% over days of October amounted to 11.2 per cent
the previous decade. Due to high demand of the country’s total shortages throughout
and poor average quality, India is forced the year.
to import high-quality coal to meet the
requirements of steel plants. India imported The country’s aim to grow the ratio of
248.54 million metric tons (273.97 million renewables in its energy mix as it targets
short tons) and exported 1.05 million metric 450 gigawatts of clean energy by 2030
tons (1.16 million short tons) of coal in 2019- seems to be a tough target as India has to
20. India’s net imports of coal grew at a travel a long road to switch to cost-effective
CAGR of 15.62% over the last 10 years. and clean energy solution(s).
India is the second-largest coal importer I wonder why we are still not prepared with a
in the world and its electricity sector, the strategy to wipe off this dark veil.
largest consumer of raw coal in the country
Past year, when the Narendra Modi led
government amended the Coal Mines
(Special Provisions) Act, 2015 to open
opportunities for privatised, commercial
mining. The move caused raised eyebrows.
Reason: Coal blocks can now be owned by Editor in Chief & Publisher
private entities without any prior coal mining
experience and any “specified end-use.” Pooja Kundoo
Concluding in one line, coal remains the
country’s ‘debated and disputed’ king
among its energy resources and once again,
the country seems to be drifting apart from
its clean energy mission.
4| | India | Vol. 2 | Issue 9 | October 2021