Page 46 - 10 Most Trusted Overseas Education Consultants in India
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Steven Anthony Ballmer is an American • The same year he retired from He developed an interest in business Lawrence Joseph Ellison (born August
businessman and investor who served as Microsoft he bought the NBA’s and investing in his youth, eventually 17, 1944) is an American businessman
the chief executive officer of Microsoft Los Angeles Clippers for $2 billion. entering the Wharton School of the and investor who is the co-founder,
from 2000 to 2014. He is the current • He has ramped up his philanthropy University of Pennsylvania in 1947 before executive chairman, chief technology
owner of the Los Angeles Clippers of since 2014, putting over $2 billion into transferring to and graduating from the officer (CTO) and former chief execu-
the National Basketball Association a donor-advised fund, with a focus University of Nebraska at 19. He went tive officer (CEO) of Oracle Corpora-
on lifting Americans out of poverty. on to graduate from Columbia Business tion. As of January 2022, he was listed
(NBA). As of January 2022, Bloomberg
• In 2018, he invested $59 million in Social School, where he molded his invest- by Bloomberg Billionaires Index as the
Billionaires Index estimates his personal
Solutions, which makes software for ment philosophy around the concept of ninth-wealthiest person in the United
wealth at around $119 billion, making nonprofits and government agencies. value investing pioneered by Benjamin States and is the tenth-wealthiest in
him the eighth-richest person on Earth. Graham. He attended New York Insti- the world, with a fortune of $108 billion,
Ballmer was hired by Bill Gates at Micro- 9) Warren Buffet tute of Finance to focus his economics increased from $57.3 billion in 2018. He is
soft in 1980, and subsequently left background and soon after began also the owner of the 43rd largest island
the MBA program at Stanford Univer- various business partnerships, including in the United States, Lanai in the Hawaiian
sity. He eventually became president one with Graham. He created Buffett Islands with a population of just over 3200
in 1998, and replaced Gates as CEO Partnership, Ltd in 1956 and his firm
eventually acquired a textile manufac- • Larry Ellison is chairman, chief
on January 13, 2000.On February 4, technology officer and cofounder
2014, Ballmer retired as CEO and was turing firm called Berkshire Hathaway,
assuming its name to create a diversi- of software giant Oracle, of
replaced by Satya Nadella; Ballmer
fied holding company. In 1978, Charlie which he owns about 35%.
remained on Microsoft’s Board of Direc- Munger joined Buffett as vice-chairman. • He gave up the Oracle CEO role in
tors until August 19, 2014, when he left 2014 after 37 years at the helm.
to prepare for teaching a new class. 10) Larry Ellison • Oracle has grown in part through
steady acquisitions of software
• Steve Ballmer is the high-wattage companies, the biggest of which
Warren Edward Buffett is an American
former CEO of Microsoft, who led was $9.3 billion for NetSuite in 2016.
business magnate, investor, and philan- • In 2020, Ellison moved perma-
the company from 2000 to 2014.
thropist. He is currently the chairman nently to the Hawaiian island
• He joined Microsoft in 1980 as
and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Lanai, which he bought nearly
employee No. 30 after dropping He is considered one of the most all of in 2012 for $300 million.
out of Stanford’s MBA program. successful investors in the world and • Ellison joined Tesla’s board in
• Ballmer oversaw Microsoft after the has a net worth of over $109.5 billion December 2018, after purchasing 3
first dot-com crash and through efforts as of January 2022 making him the million Tesla shares earlier that year.
to catch up to Google in search capa- world’s ninth-wealthiest person.[5]
bilities and Apple in mobile phones. Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska.
|46 | India | Vol. 3 | Issue 2 | February 2022 |47