Page 37 - 10 Most Trusted Overseas Education Consultants in India
P. 37

 Osaka Educare


 Corporate Review | Kanika Singh

 As the entire world is slowly limping back   •  Scraping down the ‘high’ initial consul-
 to normalcy during the post pandemic   tation fees charged by other consultants

 phase,  the  stumbled  international  •  Guiding and recommending the suit-
 education industry has  started refu-  able program that fits a student’s eligi-
 elling  its  movement and growth. With   bility  and  hones  his/her  competence
 global  movement  resuming,  top  inter-  for a commendable career in the future
 national universities are calling students   •  Assisting  students  in  securing
 to join them back on-campus. And so   legal  and  affordable  loan  support
 has  the  students  who  look  forward  to   Or
 studying  abroad  due  to  ample  career   •  Introducing  innovative  programs  to

 opportunities  and  choice of courses.  study in countries  like Dubai, at an
 The dream of studying abroad seems to   affordable  fee  with  internship  oppor-
 be  an  amazing  & enriching  experience   tunities  for those  who  find  it  diffi-
 both  for  the  student  and  the  family   cult  to  qualify the  language  criteria
 that is dependent on him. However, the   A UNIQUE PLATFORM OFFERING   students to ease the process of migra-
 procedure demands  firmed  and  fool-  and  face  age  barrier  while  applying   END-TO-END GLOBAL EDUCA-  tion to a foreign country for higher
 proof planning on the aspirant’s part at   for  higher  education programs  abroad  TIONAL CONSULTANCY UNDER   education. And so, we go beyond the
 every step- from choosing a university   ONE ROOF                 scope of an educational consultancy to
 to  walking  on  the  campus.  And  that’s                        provide a hassle-free experience for

 where  a  four-year-old  overseas  educa-  For the founder, PB Boss, the objective   the student.”
 tion company is simplifying this process   was to build a student-centric company   THE WORKING MODEL
 by creating a one-stop services platform   that  can  enable  young  and  ambitious
 to  provide  a  full  suite  of  services  for   students to access quality global educa-  Osaka Educare assists prospective
                                                                   students throughout their overseas
 every need of a study abroad aspirant.  tion.  He  adds,  “We  have  been  in  the   education counselling.
 Established in 2018 as a flagship division   travel  and  hospitality  sector  for  the
 of global educational consultancy under   past  28  years,  providing  services  like   •  During the initial phase, the consul-

 Osaka Group  of Companies, Osaka   visa services, global air ticketing, insur-  tant analyses the students based on
 Educare is marched by the leadership of                           their educational history, expectations,
 the group’s Chairman, PB Boss. Sweeping   ance, passport services, tour packages   visa history, budget cover, and career
 off the  issues  faced  by prospective   and itinerary creation, foreign exchange,   goals.
                                                                   •  After identifying the suitable
 students from the time of application, till   study  abroad  and  other  miscellaneous   country and course module, the
 their departure from India, the experts   services.  Having  a  strong  foothold  in   students are offered a list of schools
 and  specialists  at Osaka  Educare   the travel industry allows us to provide   and cities to compare and choose the
 address such gaps in the market, be it:  Dr. PB Boss | Chairman  a repertoire of additional  services for   apt courses to apply.

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