Page 45 - 10 Most Trusted Diagnostic Companies in India 2022
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V i - S c a n D ia g n o s t ic s and deficit technology in the pathways, and bone in the maxil-
Vi-Scan Diagnostics
vicinity of dentist. That’s where
lofacial region with a single scan.
Dr. Shilika had her Eureka! moment CBCT is the imaging modality
ELEVATING INDIA’S DENTAL SECTOR WITH ADVANCED RADIOLOGY AND and decided to give shape to of choice with higher isotropic
DIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGIES. her vision as Vi-Scan Diagnostics. voxel resolution, lesser exposure,
Corporate Review | Kanika Singh Backed by Chesa Dental Care, cost and time taken for a scan as
Most of us panic over the thought one of the largest dental equip- compared to conventional CT scan.
of visiting a dentist. Our constant
nix and hesitation for a dentist’s ment manufacturers and traders Orthopantomogram (OPG)
visit is a blend created due to the in India, Vi-Scan has expanded The orthopantomogram is a
issues like Dental anxiety, fear of its wings across north, west and panoramic single image radio-
needles, high costs or, a past bad south India with 17 centres and graph of the mandible, maxilla
experience. Prospered in unfa- has joined hands with more than and teeth; providing a conve-
vourable times (COVID-19), the 15000+ dentists while improving nient, inexpensive and rapid way
rising awareness towards oral the quality of care and treatment to evaluate the gross anatomy of
hygiene has resulted in a tremen- provided to 200000+ patients the jaws and related pathology.
dous growth path for the industry. KEY INNOVATIONS
And this is just the beginning. since its inception. “Back in 2017, the absence of
Policies are being introduced by Dr. Shilika Lilaramani, under the
the Indian government to enhance scanning modalities could be seen
oral health outcomes among the guidance of Dr. Vijay Lilaramani in major parts of the country. We
population. Many new-age entre- (CEO) & Dr. Anju Lilaramani (COO), ran our first centre in Delhi as a
preneurs are also investing their Dr. Shilika Lilaramani | Co-Founder & Managing Director of Chesa, has led the project pilot project and Vi-Scan was yet
passion and vision to transform the become the largest emerging from a single CBCT centre to be built. The dental industry
oral healthcare space with advanced Dental Diagnostics Chain in India. to a brand, Vi-Scan Diagnos- welcomed us with open arms and
technologies and innovative solu- TRANSFORMING DENTAL tics, today, the largest chain of there we created our niche with
tions. To further fuel the trans- Dental Diagnostic centres in India. advanced technologies and inno-
formation, a brand is empowering DIAGNOSTICS SPACE UNMATCHED SOLUTIONS vative thinking. A step ahead, we
patients with affordable & access- Vi-Scan point of departure was
ible solutions and giving innovative a brainstorming session at Lila- CBCT opened another centre in Bombay.
regency to dentists. Vi-Scan ramanis’ dinner table. The vision Cone Beam Computed Tomog- Till 2019, we were testing the waters
Dianostics, a brainchild of Dr. Shilika was to elevate the compromised raphy is a technology used to take and finally in early 2020, fuelling the
Lilaramani, which was started in practices in treatment execu- three dimensional (3-D) images of project with full force, we formal-
2017 as a pilot project, today has tion due to lack of affordability your teeth, maxillary sinus, nerve ized it as Vi-Scan Diagnostics.
|44 | India | Vol. 3 | Issue 3 | March 2022 |45