Page 33 - 10 Futuristic Women Entrepreneurs in India 2022
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In simple words, technology and unique approach 2022. Gartner predicts that, worldwide, AI soft- traditional strongholds in warehouses and logis- Business leaders should explore whether Copilot or
are going to be the top priorities in the upcoming year ware revenue will total $62.5 billion in 2022, an tics to “next-generation automation” for other uses other such assistants would help make their
With global shifts exacerbated by major chal- in manufacturing, agriculture, and construction.
increase of 21.3% from 2021. Gartner also believes companies more productive.
lenges such as the pandemic and the climate OFFER CUSTOMIZED
that the top five use case categories for AI soft- CREATING VIRTUAL
crisis, 2021 has seen organizations across all PURCHASE INSURANCE
ware spending in 2022 will be virtual assistants,
sectors wrestling with rapid transformation, and Business leaders who sell online -- products or CUSTOMER SERVICE
2022 will undoubtedly be much the same. knowledge management, autonomous vehi- Plenty of jobs involve customers, employees, and
services such as flights, rental houses, or books --
As the pressure to curb the effects of the climate cles, digital workplace, and crowdsourced data. are increasingly offering insurance at checkout. business partners seeking answers to questions. If
crisis mounts, organizations around the globe must SHIFT IN WORK CULTURE Lily Lyman of Underscore VC told the Globe companies are struggling to hire and retain the
do their part. A report from 2017 found that, since that such online insurance will expand to new
While technological advances in the past decade customer service, human resources, and other
human-driven climate change was recognised, industries such as shipping, construction, car
were already leading toward a gradual increase staff needed to answer those questions, business
100 energy firms have been responsible for 71% sales and financial services and new kinds
in remote and hybrid working, the pandemic
of all industrial emissions. The report also named of insurance carriers will emerge to offer the leaders may increasingly have an alternative.
has exacerbated this shift dramatically. Now best insurance coverage for each industry.
ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, and Chevron as some of Specifically, such questions could be answered with
the highest emitting companies since 1988. that people have sampled new ways of working, Business leaders should assess whether to “deep fakes” -- digital videos in which replicas of real
partner with such carriers or create their own.
SUSTAINABLE OPERATIONS many are reluctant to return to the office full-time. people say things they never said in reality. Deep
Many companies are also driven to sustainable Simultaneously, the pandemic demonstrated the BOOSTING THE PRODUC- fakes could help companies provide customer
change by consumer demand and the indepen- financial benefits of remote and hybrid working to TIVITY WITH PREDICTIVE
service, entertainment and gaming, and do other
dent realization that more needs to be done. While employers and proved that workers can indeed be SOFTWARE
decarbonising the supply chain is a sensible and jobs. Business leaders should explore whether
trusted to work from the comfort of their own homes. Most of us are familiar with software that tries to
obvious place for many organizations to begin, such applications could improve their operations.
CRYPTOCURRENCY IS complete your sentence while you are typing. This soft-
more forward-thinking businesses are looking DIGITALIZATION
beyond this point to improving sustainability THE KING ware uses data from what millions of other users have Several industries have digitized, which can be seen
across all business operations. With sustainability As more and more women start gaining accep- typed in the past to guess your next word or phrase. through businesses in sectors like financial tech-
linked to resilience, the shift to sustainable opera- If your company employs people who write soft-
tance in the workforce, the lifetime income nology, e-commerce, or even professional services.
tions is a business trend expected to accelerate ware, a new technology is being developed that
inequality and gender pay gaps will also settle, As a result, traditional processes and practices have
in 2022 and stick around long after. Any business will do something analogous for software devel-
slowly but gradually at equal levels for both undoubtedly evolved, from restaurant dine-in to
that chooses to ignore sustainability is unlikely to
men and women. Women entrepreneurs have opment. If it works, it could boost productivity and food delivery, physical signatures to electronic signa-
thrive in this new age of conscious consumerism.
help business leaders deal with the labor crunch. tures, medical consultations to telemedicine, etc.
to keep moving forward with their heads held
high to claim their rights and never back down. Drew Volpe of First Star Ventures has been testing HYBRID WORK SET-UPS
USE ROBOTS TO LESSEN “Copilot from GitHub, which tries to predict what soft- Part of the pivot from stakeholders is the emergence
LABOR STRAINS ware code should come next, based on what you’ve of hybrid work set-ups, a term which refers to working
Many businesses are already leaning on high-
ly-capable robots and artificial intelligence (AI) Robots have the potential to do more jobs. already written,” according to the Globe. Volpe is from both the office and at home. According to a
for greater efficiency and productivity and this As Maia Heymann of Converge Venture Part- looking at similar applications for helping lawyers survey conducted within JLL Philippines, 66% of their
reliance is a trend set to accelerate further in ners told the Globe, they are moving from their draft contracts and financial analysts write reports. 3,300 employees prefer hybrid work arrangements.
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