Page 46 - 10 Booming Real Estate & Logistics Companies in APAC 2022
P. 46


            The Chenab  bridge, a rail  bridge                     A piece in Daily Pioneer reads, “The
            under construction by Indian Rail-                     light at the end of the tunnel is now

            ways (IR) between Bakkal and Kauri in                  visible.  The  imposing  steel  arch  of
            Jammu and  Kashmir’s Reasi district,                   the bridge  across  the river Chenab
            has  become  part  of  the  country’s                  has finally been completed. Not with
            engineering  folklore.  This  magnif-
            icent arch bridge  has  become a                       standing  various  delays in the  way,

            symbol  of a  resurrected  India, and                  this  event in itself  is a big  achieve-
            not just because  it is the mainstay                   ment  and  a  firm  step  forward  to
            for seamless  railway connectivity  to                 achieve the dream of linking Kashmir
            the  Kashmir  valley.  Its  magnificent                valley with the  rest of the  country.
            arch, which is far higher than the tip
            of the Eiffel Tower, and the fact that                 There is not an iota of doubt that

            it would  be the  world’s tallest rail                 this  project  task  required  great
            bridge have come to proudly embody                     engineering skills right from design
            Indian engineers’ skill and proficiency.               to fabrication to erection etc. The
                                                                   task of construction of the bridge

            “INFRASTRUCTURE MARVEL IN                              has also been in the same league.
            THE MAKING”                                            The bridge is the most challenging

            The bridge has been described as a                     and     fascinating        structure       of
            “infrastructure marvel in the making”                  Udhampur- Srinagar- Baramulla rail
            by a number of railway ministers and                   link project. The steel arch bridge,                               most challenging task has been to                      withstand  wind  speeds  of  over
            government/IR  officials. For nearly                   amidst  Hills  of  mighty  Himalayas                               build two foundations for the arch,                    266 kmph, an unprecedented feat.

            two decades,  we’ve been  hearing                      engorging the serpentine Chenab                                    which required  massive special-                       This  work involved  approximately

            about this bridge. It was supposed to                  River is indeed a symbol of technical
            be finished in 2009, but the project                                                                                      ized soil /rock strengthening work                     30,000 MT high quality steel fabri-
            was halted in 2008 due to concerns                     excellence of Indian Engineers. It is                              in  the  young  Himalayan  region.                     cation and sophisticated launching
            about its stability. Following a re-ex-                1315 metre long with, with an arch                                 The steel pier at Katra end foun-                      scheme. The entire fabrication of
            amination of the issue, construction                   span of 467 meter and stands 359                                   dation of  arch  itself  is  about 120                 steel work is being done at a special
            was  restarted, and  the completion                    m  high  above  the  river.  At  both                              m tall. Besides the arch, the other                    fabrication workshop  established
            date has  been  slipping  since then,                  end  of  the  arch,  there  is  viaduct                            most challenging task has been to

            from the initial 2015 to 2021 to last                  portion and the complete configu-                                  build two foundations for the arch,                    at site. The launching of the arch
            year.  As  all  of  these  targets  were               ration of the bridge is a compound                                                                                        segments was done with the help
            missed,  and  IR  continued  to  extol                 and  complex structure. Over  the                                  which required  massive special-                       of a specially-designed wire rope
            the project’s enormity in the media,                   central arch, there are eleven steel                               ized soil /rock strengthening work                     crane and after fixing every piece
            a  sense  of cynical  and  sneaky déjà                                                                                    in  the  young  Himalayan  region.                     of arch and the cantilever arch was

            vu  became  palpable  among  the                       piers supporting 10 spans of 48 m.
            general  public.  A signature  project                 The steel pier at Katra end foun-                                  Apart from being the highest rail                      tied with wire ropes to hold them
            was  in the danger  of becoming a                      dation of  arch  itself  is  about 120                             bridge  in  the  world,  it  has  many                 in  position,  till  the  last  central
            victim of its  overhyped  narrative.                   m tall. Besides the arch, the other                                firsts to its credit. The bridge can                   piece  was  inserted  in  position.”

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