Page 15 - 10 Booming Biotech Companies in India 2022
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 Dr. Patil is a Process Engineer with   The company’s clients are located   For the  last 7 years, Dyna

 30  years in the  Pharma  Biotech   across countries like South Korea,   Biotech  has  been  engaged  in
 industry.  He  has  installed  plants,   Taiwan,  Thailand,  Bangladesh,  raising  vaccines,   therapeutics

 equipment  and  processes  for   Turkey, Germany and  United      and  anti-cancer related  projects
 more than 200 projects and manu-  States. The company has pledged   and  ensuring  that projects  are
 factured more than 6000 Biotech   to  diversify its  penetration into   completed  in time.  The  product

 equipment. He  has  customized   the  global  healthcare market.   has the quality standards of Euro-
 approximately 30 Biotech products   The company’s present strong-  pean, USFDA and Indian FDA
                                                                   cGMP compliance. Dyna Biotech’s
 and equipment including vaccines,   hold is in the healthcare industry,   team of 75 engineers and 30 life
 therapeutics,  probiotics,  diag-  but advancement in the trust and   science professionals are contrib-
 nostics,  antibiotics,  steroids  etc.  strong association with its  clients   uting to doubling the turnover and
 DYNA’S EXEMPLARY   and vendors motivates this global
 This  is  just a snapshot of a lead-  PRODUCT MENU  brand  to take  the  opportuni-  profits  every  year.  The  team  has
 er’s portfolio who was behind the   Laboratory, pilot and  production   ties  to  cater  to  Food  processing   saved foreign revenue by ‘Make in

 successful  acquisition of  WHO   scale  Fermenters, Cell  culture   industries,  biodiesel  manufac-  India’ initiative and earning foreign
 pre-qualification  of  pentavalent   Bioreactors, Micro- and Ultra-filtra-  turing firms, Agro-based fertilizer   revenue 50% turnover of the busi-
                                                                   ness every year. Dyna Biotech also
 vaccine for pediatric application   tion systems, Hollow fiber filtration   businesses,  dairy  industries  etc.  has a separate team for dealing with
 at Serum Institute. Later on, with   systems, CIP/SIP skids, Depth filtra-  Dyna Biotech has its international   the manufacture of various essen-
 a  vision to  provide  clients  with   tion systems, Inactivation & Bio-kill   marketing, sales  & service pres-  tial components like a safety relief

 the latest biotech equipment and   systems, Spray dryers, Harvest   ence in Bangkok, Thailand, London   valve, Bottom valve, sample valves,
 products  used  in the  manufac-  Tanks,  Formulation  Systems,  Cell   and the UK to take care of its clients   filter housings  which are manu-

 turing of vaccines, antibiotics, and   Purification  &  Associated  equip-  abroad. The management strongly   factured  by in-house technology.
 others, he instituted Dyna Biotech   ment. Along with many in-house   believes that serving the interna-  The  company  manufactures  for

 in 2013 at Pune. Dr Patil’s assorted   parts  like  valves,  filter  hous-  tional  market  allows  generating   Biopharma  and  Biotechnology
            foreign currency for the develop-
 portfolio of 30 years signifies his   ings,  spray  balls,  agitators  etc.  At   ment of the nation as well as society.  industries in India and abroad with

 matchless expertise in cleanroom   present, the company is expanding   innovation,  customization          and
 design,  equipment  design,  manu-  its  product portfolio  by working   EXPERTISE IN VALUE   exceptional  customer service.
 facturing,  validation  and  setting   on developing  newer  technolo-  ENGINEERING

 up  processes  for  microbial  and   gies in the software and hardware   Dyna Biotech’s dexterous team has
 parts of conventional products like
 cell  culture products. Dr. Patil   filling machines, isolators, chroma-  worked  effortlessly  to constantly

 has been awarded a Doctorate of   tography and automation systems.  deliver  great value addition to
 Philosophy in the field of Science   With ‘Go Global’ as its main driving   humanity  during  a  national  and
 and Biotechnology. The self-stim-  force,  Dyna  Biotech  is  step-  international  emergency  due

 ulus to gain the knowledge  and   ping towards  the exploration of   to the COVID pandemic. The
 experience in the field of Biotech-  the  international  market  under   company raised  projects for its

 nology gave many logical marvels   the  leadership  of  exceptional   clients  worth  650  million  dose
 to  his  clients  and  partners.   leaders  in various  departments.  vaccines  for  India  and  abroad.

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